Let's Talk About Money
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The educational project with the title: “Curriculum and Challenge for Learning and Applying Basic Financial Education” (FibiC) trains every user in the implementation for a competent and self-determined handling of money.
Money is a mirror of joys, fears, origins and hopes. 30 percent of Europeans currently have no savings. Money awareness and behavior is shaped by culture, tradition and family.
The competent handling of money cannot be found in any textbook, although this basic competence is so existential. Recent research by the OECD has shown that people with less financial literacy are more likely to take out expensive loans, exceed their credit lines more often and save less for old age. Some of them are struggling to pay their bills and need professional help to deal with their debt properly. In times of Corona, the need for many people to get by with less money increases because unemployment and short-time work are increasing.
The topic of “financial literacy” has gained in importance. Even in the economic crisis that followed the Corona crisis, responsible, value-based and responsible action by individuals in financial and monetary matters in Europe will become increasingly important. However, there are hardly any didactic concepts in Europe so far. We face this (learning) task in a consortium of 5 partner countries. All partners have extensive experience in adult education.
Meta study
Miteinander in Europa
Lernwerkstatt Europa
Pleven, Bulgaria
International Banking Institute
Schuldnerberatung OÖKLARTEXT – Finanzielle Gesundheit
Sambucusforum vzw
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Let’s talk about money