2. The 3 stages of saving


Plenary session


Demonstrating a step-by-step plan for wealth accumulation

Explaining the magic triangle of financial investment


slides “The 3 stages of saving”

Laptop and beamer


20 minutes

Further information

Many people make the wrong provisions for their future. They buy products with a long term, but have no savings reserves for short-term expenses. The theoretical input is intended to show that the near future should be thought of first. Only when possible expenses in the near future are secured can longer-term investments be made.

This theoretical input is about bringing the 3 stages of saving closer to the participants. The theory also explains the magic triangle of investing.

The participants should be able to draw conclusions about their own investment behavior from this.

The slides of the presentation are gone through step by step and discussed.

The presentation is followed by the exercise “Magic Triangle of Investment”.

Slides “The 3 stages of saving”